Is homeopathic care covered by health insurance?

Your health insurance may cover part or all of your visits to a homeopathic practitioner but it will depend on the insurer and their coverage package. Sometimes homeopathy has the same status as chiropractic care.

As a recognized and regulated health care profession in Ontario, we hope that in time most plans will have coverage.

If your insurance provider does not cover homeopathic care, you can send a letter like the one below to request coverage. To download the letter, click the title below.

Sample Insurance Request Letter


Dear Insurer:

I am currently seeking homeopathic treatment for my health concerns. It is my understanding that many insurance companies recognize the therapeutic benefits of homeopathic medicine in the treatment of many conditions and in preventative health care. Homeopathy is now a regulated profession in Ontario and thus has the same status as other complimentary health care modalities under the Regulated Health Professions Act. The homeopath that is currently treating me is a registered member with the College of Homeopaths of Ontario.

(Put name of your insurance company here) only provides coverage for homeopathy that is practiced by naturopaths. It is important to note that naturopaths use a wide variety of natural treatments; homeopathy may be one of them. Naturopaths receive a basic training in homeopathic medicine as part of their educational requirements. By comparison, homeopaths have undertaken extensive training in homeopathic medicine, far exceeding the training of naturopaths.  It does not make sense to deny access to those professionals most highly trained to practice homeopathy.

I would like my choice of seeking homeopathic treatment to be fully recognized by your company.  Under homeopathic treatment, my drug bills and visits to allopathic physicians have been reduced. Homeopathic treatment will mean lower costs to all concerned and a higher level of overall health.  Homeopaths encourage and support a health-enhancing lifestyle. Therefore, long-term results will be both beneficial and cost effective for the insurer and the Ontario health care system.

I thank you for your consideration and hope to hear that you are considering this as part of the benefits for your members.


(Your name)